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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Healing Haiti

Lately our house has been abuzz with lots of chatter about the importance of helping others in need, specifically children in Haiti, Africa & China. I don't believe a day has gone by that these children have not been a part of our mealtime conversations and daily prayers. Compassion is something Dave and I vowed to instill in our children which is why we are SO grateful for our church's Sunday School program, "Healing Haiti". They have reinforced through this mission how little things we do can mean BIG things for those who are less fortunate and have so little (without government's involvement - imagine that!). LTD have started collecting "coins" (from their piggy banks, from mom & dad, from Dave's spare change stash, from around the house) to donate to Haiti for clean water (food is next), something we take for granted in the United States. Below is a picture of a typical morning right out of bed where they are eager to start "adding to their collection".

They have also taken time in Sunday School to help our children put together photos & cards for the children in Haiti and they have received thank you cards in return. What an amazing experience for all the Sunday School children to get involved and see how their efforts directly affect others across the world. Below is a link I HIGHLY encourage you to check out. It is a quick video of the children in Haiti receiving the clean water and the photos and cards from our children. PLUS, it shows the children in Haiti making the thank-you cards they sent to our children. Such a powerful visual for our little ones to witness, and for all of us. God is good and He continues to work through our children in making our world a better place. Our kiddos always use the term "my heart is full of love" and I must say their little hearts are bursting and overflowing with love. I truly tear up seeing their inner beauty blossom more and more each day.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Camp Clark Conversations

Yet another episode of Camp Clark Conversations.......Also, check out the video below from last week one day. It captures what we woke up to one morning and our loud & silly dinner table later that evening.

(as I patted her on the butt and said 'look at that cute little butt')
"It's not a cute little butt.....it's a BUBBLE butt"

(when Taylor shouted 'look at that big HUGE light' when Dave turned on the main foyer light)
"Is it God?!"

"Mom, what's that book there?" (I told her it was a book I am reading on how to be a better mommy) "Oh I know (as she raises her hand), no yelling!"

"Hey, you quit being so wild with my sister! (to Dylan as he wrestles Taylor to the ground)


"I wanna pray for children in Haiti.....they don't have toilets to poop in or water to drink or bathtubs" (Haiti is the mission of the year at Sunday School)

(she took her pink stuffed puppy to Show & Tell at KPT which was a gift after her tonsil surgery) "This is Sara Grace, my pink puppy I got for surgery for snoring (tonsils removed). Daddy's gonna have to have surgery next - he snores LOUD!" (it sparked a 15 min conversation amongst the all the kiddos in class who said their daddies snore too and will need surgery)

"That litter is diculous! (ridiculous)" (LTD are the litter patrol when we are out and about)


"That truck is driving really slow.....it must be a woman driver!" (Dave's influence)

"COP! (at the top of his lungs when a police car drives by)

"I looked inside and saw the most BEAUTIFUL part I've ever seen (about an engine inside one of his Matchbox cars)

"Absolutely fantastic!" (about his train tracks he put together)

"Look, LITTER!" (he stomps over, picks it up and throws it in the garbage can) "God would be SO mad!"

Trio Conversation:
Lindsey - "Mom, here's $50 for groceries for children in Haiti & Africa (as she pretends to write a check)
Dylan pipes in, "When I grow up, I'm gonna feed ALOT of food to children in Africa & Haiti! Taylor adds, "That's a GREAT idea Dilly Bar.....here take mine (as she gives her dinner plate to him)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

MOA Celebration

Yesterday Dave and I took the munchkins to Mall of America (MOA) indoor amusement park for Toddler Tuesday. We told Taylor that was her reward for being such a good patient when she had her tonsils/adenoids removed. They had an absolute blast! It was non-stop running from ride to ride. This time they were tall enough to go on the bumper cars and Dylan was in high heaven. He loved it so much he went on the ride 4 times and was zooming in and out of the cars with a big smile plastered on his face the entire time. Right up his alley! Lindsey said her favorite ride was the large ferris wheel and Taylor adored the Carousel (mainly because of her love of animals). We met a really nice family from Alabama with triplets (7 yrs old) who were in town for medical reasons. Unfortunately, their angels were delivered early at 26 weeks and one of their little boys had cerebal palsy and they were in town for yet another surgery. My heart ached for them and I felt somewhat guilty since here we were with 3 perfectly healthy children. When we got home that night, we all said a special prayer for that family. This morning at breakfast, LTD asked if they could pray for them again. It brought tears to my eyes yet filled me with joy and gratitude for their loving & caring hearts.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Another Stellar Day

Today was yet another SWEET day! After Kids Peace Time, we grabbed the bikes and headed out for an afternoon in the neighborhood. Too bad LTD didn't have their rainboots because they found LOTS of water puddles and made sure to stomp right through them, over and over again. They were soaked to the bones by the time we got home but were brimming with happiness from ear to ear. Sorry, no camcorder or camera today; mom was solo & too busy running after preschoolers on bikes - they are getting SUPER fast! BUT, I forgot to include from yesterday the last part of our Sunday family outing; a stop at the park featuring the beloved tire swing which always makes for a "loud" uproar from the trio.

Springtime Fun

Sunday was an absolutely gorgeous day and we took full advantage of it. After church, we hurried home for an action-packed afternoon of sun, bike riding, mud, ducks, geese, swans, waterfalls, bridges, playtime at the park and DQ ice cream cones. What more could a child or child-like parent ask for? It was paradise, especially after our long, cold winter. Instead of the local neighborhood routine, we loaded up the bikes and headed over to a local park area known for flocks of geese & ducks and great bike trails. We even saw 2 beautiful swans which LTD took a special liking to because of "The Ugly Duckling" story which is a family favorite. It was so refreshing to see SO many people out and about with smiles on their faces and laughter filling the air. Thank you, God, for all the beauty in our world and for SPRING (a few days early)! Check out our video for a few highlights from the day.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Water Getaway

We just returned from a mini water getaway for 3 days & 2 nights with Papa & Grandma Good. They met us at a hotel in Fargo that's got a fantastic pool area (Caribbean theme) with a huge waterslide. We like it because there are no water police enforcing every rule under the sun like most waterparks. In fact, we probably broke most of the posted rules, albeit ridiculous as they can be. What was perfect is that we had the pool pretty much to ourselves on Thursday night and most of Friday until about 4pm. LTD had an absolute blast and were running non-stop. Not only was the pool fun, but the slumber parties each night in the suite and checking out some local restaurants added some variety as well. We always enjoy our time with Papa & Grandma Good and are bummed we have to travel to share time with them (or any of our grandparents & family). Maybe within 15-18 months, that will no longer be the case? Check out our video below for a few highlights. You are also welcome to click on our KodakGallery link in the right-hand margin of this blog for some great photos from the weekend and from the month of February. SPRING, we are SO ready for you!!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

5 Years Already?

It's hard to believe that in May, Dave and I will have been married for 5 years. WOW, how time flies when you're having fun, or raising triplets, or all of the above. We have really enjoyed our marriage and it just keeps getting better. We decided we really want to celebrate this special day with some time together, ALONE. So, we checked out options and have decided we are headed to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, in May!!! We are SO excited!!! Grandma & Papa Good offered to watch our munchkins for us during our trip which we are so grateful for. Much less worrying on our part knowing they are in such loving arms. So look out Mexico, here we come! We always have a blast together when we travel with lots of adventure, laughs and new stories. Maybe we should start placing bets on what happens to Dave this time (massive sunburn gaining the name Lobster Boy, tipping over a donkey statue after hopping on and knocking over half the display in the store, poison ivy all over the arms, popping a wheeley on our "hog" with me on board, running out of gas on that same "hog", blisters, etc) Lots of laughs indeed!

When we get back, we will move into our next chapter.........getting our house ready so we can put it on the market by early 2010. Oh what fun that will be :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

SO Big!

This post is dedicated to Taylor, our Peanut. Today, she officially weighed in at 30 lbs!! She was so happy because she remembered the celebration we promised the day she hit 30 lbs. So we had an ice cream party tonight and plan to take the munchkins to the Mall of America amusement park sometime in the next week or two. This is a combo award for her weight achievement AND for how great of a patient she was during her entire surgery and recovery process. She has made some excellent progress since her tonsil & adenoidectomy surgery. Not only has her snoring been completely eliminated (quiet as a mouse), but she eats more and talks WAY more than ever before. Her teacher at KPT pulled me aside and said she couldn't believe how much Taylor has blossomed since the surgery and is now talking non-stop. The difference is truly amazing. Now her voice seems much stronger & louder and she gives Dylan a run for his money in the "talking department". In fact, they are ALL big talkers who like to be heard so the volume factor in our home has picked up a few notches. And then there's their mother who's been known to be loud at times.........poor Dave!

Enjoy a few "Pre-30lbs" photos of Precious Little Taylor