I have not been very good updating the blog on all the hilarious conversations that take place. But, I have collected ALOT of Post-Its over the last month and seriously need to clean off my desk. But first, a quick video clip of LTD at a recent Spring gymnastics performance, Dylan learning to whistle (in-training), and Taylor sharing a quick song.
Camp Clark Conversations
"Who's coming over?" (after I say we need to clean the playroom today)
"Mom, settle down!" (as I race in the minivan to catch up with a garbage truck that Dylan just has to see)
"That's TOO much for a little girl like me" (Dave gave her a cup full of vitamin water)
(after she tucked me in one afternoon for a quick catnap in her bed - I thanked her for being so kind and nurturing to me) "Do I get a quarter?" (smiling so proudly)
"Here Taylor, let me find your coloring page for you..........Ta Da!!! (after she found it)
"Dylan, you have to share with your sister! Taylor, I want you to say 'please may I play with your train?" (being the mother hen to D & T during a dispute over sharing his train)
"But mom, I'm REALLY busy now. I need to exercise and then go to work" (when I ask her to help me clean up after breakfast)
"I like sunburnt tomatoes!" (vs. "sundried" tomatoes)
"What's going on in here??!! What are you doing to MY sister??!! (she snaps at Dylan as she stomps in the room - poor Dylan gets it from both ways)
"I need help making my bed today. I got WILD last night!" (as her bedding is scattered on the floor)
"I'm not a plumber, I'm a PEANUT!" (Dave called her a Plumber as her cheeks peeked through her jeans in the back)
"Rock star parking!" (as we get the front parking spot at the health club)
"Mom, look at all the junk food in that cart!" (rather loudly as he points to the couple next to us in line at Target)
"Did you know protein grows your private parts up? It's not little, it's BIG!" (do I dare even try to explain this one)
(At the playground on a hot afternoon, I ask Dylan to take a break from shovelling sand into his bucket to drink some water) "No, I gotta work now!"
"Oh Taylor, you look so fancy today!" (as she puts on her green Christmas dress from Grandma Clark to go to the park)