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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Camp Clark Survives The Storm

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on how grateful and thankful we are for our family, our friends, our church, our school, our home and neighborhood, our country & freedom, and our health. However, the last week has been very challenging regarding our health. Unfortunately, our entire family was hit with a nasty virus and right over the Thanksgiving break. Thankfully, we are finally at the tail end of the recovery process and just in time for the kiddos 8th birthday celebrations coming up this weekend. We had no idea my "cold" I caught the Monday before Thanksgiving would end up being the ugly virus it became. Worse yet, it ended up being shared with those we love most! So very sorry to our loved ones! We truly had no idea it would escalate like it did. We hardly took any photos since we were all down and out and in our PJ's most of the holiday. On the bright side, at least we got to see all the grandparents and Uncle Ken and his children. Tis the season!
Dylan - 2nd Grade

Lindsey - 2nd Grade

Taylor - 2nd Grade
Thanksgiving at Papa & Grandma Kemmet's

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The End of America - 11/6/2012

It is with a very heavy and sorrowful heart that I write this blog post. However, I feel it is extremely important to document this moment in history, for our children's sake, the time when America took a final, wrong turn for the absolute worse. They will never know the America we once knew and were privileged to grow up in. Since this is our blog,  we can say whatever we want without people personally attacking us or spewing liberal bias like we hear every day thanks to the mainstream media. YES, we are conservative, YES we are Christians and YES, we try to live by God's words as written in the Bible.  What we say NO to is BIG government and stealing from hard working Americans to pay for government and entitlement programs, NO to massive spending rather than living within our means, NO to increasing taxes on hard working, successful Americans and entrepreneurs, NO to crushing capitalism and creating class warfare, and NO to allowing illegal immigrants to cross our borders, VOTE and get government handouts; get in line like the rest of the immigrants who are coming here legally! Let me just say this, AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! 

We are INCREDIBLY upset and thoroughly disgusted with our country, so much so that we feel sick to our stomachs and are having a hard time grasping it all. How clueless can Americans really be? Where did our values go? When did we give up standing strong for God's word vs. live by our own personal beliefs (vs. God's) and because it is 'culturally acceptable''? Let's see......abortion, birth control, government health care, ALL at the tax payer's expense (yet a very large percentage of Americans don't even pay taxes!), putting up with 'good enough leadership' that has made empty promises, failed us, lied to us and deceived us. AND at state level, gay marriage and voter photo ID amendments - all of this was at the forefront of voting decisions. Yet, here we have high unemployment, a declining economy, highly jeopardized foreign relations, increased illegal immigration AND a MAJOR deficit that our government has no problem sticking to our children AND they just keep spending.  How seriously messed up can one country be? God must be so disappointed!

Below is something a dear, respected friend shared with us I had to post. It perfectly captures the essence of our feelings and so many other hard working Americans who wonder 'what just happened here and now what'? Lindsey, Taylor and Dylan, we are SO sorry. We did what we could to protect you and reverse this path of the self-destruction that America is on. We will keep praying and keep our focus on Above. This life is so temporary and it is in God's hands. We take great comfort knowing we will all be saved to live together in Heaven for eternity.

"After turning off the election coverage and realizing the outcome, I wanted to take a few minutes and express my thoughts. I am sorry and a bit embarrassed to say that I simply no longer have hope about the future of America and how this country functions! If the majority of the people in this country have really decided that Barack Obama and his policies have done a good enough job to earn four more years as the leader of this once great and proud country I am no longer interested in following him, or this government. This election cycle was a cut and dry choice as to the direction of this country. In my opinion we have traveled over the waterfall and there is no possibility of recovery. I have lost all hope for this country and my patriotic spirit has been crushed. This evenings election results, and its long term ramifications, will be recorded as the turning point when the final chapter of this great democracy was written. Soon America will no longer be blessed as being the world's superpower. As history will look back on it, America had a pretty good 236 year run. Due to changing demographics in this country we are now on an irreversible journey. Today there is a large, growing segments of our population that have been given certain privileges and unsustainable social programs by politicians whom they have elected. This very powerful group of elected officials have seduced and manipulated these voters and will continue to reward them as long as they continue to harness their votes in future elections. Unfortunately my vote and my opinion are no longer relevant in this country. I, as a 53 year old male Caucasian that has struggled to support my family, no longer have a voice in this country. I am simply a source of income to fund various entitlement programs that were initiated with good intentions but have unfortunately spun out of control. This was expressed perfectly by an unknown author when they phrased it like this ... "We have transformed ourselves into a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers." Read and re-read this statement and it's truth will become evident. I will continue to help my fellow man in a personal, one on one manner when I can, as opposed to watching a prostituted governmental system siphon off my earnings and pass them along to individuals I have never, nor will ever meet. I will more passionately pray to God asking Him to forgive what had become a morally bankrupt America and also ask Him to continue to bless this country, even though we have removed Him from increasingly more and more facets of this society. I have written and expressed these views because we are still in a country that allows freedom of speech protected by the Constitution. Unfortunately, like the founding fathers stated in the Declaration of Independence concerning our unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, I fear this privilege will also be only a memory."