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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Camp Clark Conversations

These days, LTD are SO verbal!!! There isn't a moment that goes by that one of them is not chattering, singing, reading aloud to themselves or talking to their "children". It is constant from the moment their eyes open until the moment they fall asleep. I wish I could capture ALL their hilarious chatter since most everything that comes out of their mouths brings laughter or smiles. In fact, Taylor's speech teacher commented that she is "a very talkative young lady". I am not surprised since they are always eager for their chance to chat at the dinner table and a common phrase is, "I'm tryin' to talk here!"

And now a "much-overdue" episode of Camp Clark Conversations:

I feel like a bloated pig! (after she ate too much for dinner)
Dylan, if you can't say something nice....don't say nothin' at all! (as he calls Taylor a 'peepie')
My eyes are sweating (they were watering from onions)
Can you believe we only saw 2 workmen on the highway on the way to the cabin? (thanks to our economic recovery stimulus money) Dylan responds, "Yah! There should have been 42 of them!" (his favorite number)
Taylor, you better give me your lollipop since you obviously can't finish it
Mom, you look fantastic today!
Dylan, you can be SO annoying!
(as we are all eating cheese curds at the State Fair) Mom asks LTD, "are you even going to be hungry for chocolate chip cookies?......I don't think so." Lindsey quickly spits out her curds on the table and yells, "I AM!!!)

These veggies are fresh from the farm!
I'm staaarving! I need some protein!
Mom asks, "are you ok, Taylor?" (as she is coughing after swallowing BBQ ribs) She answers, "I choked on a pig!"
Aimee's my best friend EVER! She is SO beautiful!
(she is laying on our bed with a baby doll next to her swaddled in a blanket) I just had a baby. Mom asks, "what is her name". She smiles, "her name is Baby Sarah."
Lindsey, you don't know what you're doing! (with a disgusted look on her face as Lindsey drives the Barbie Jeep straight into our minivan)
I want to wear my famous dress (meaning "favorite" dress)
(the condo next to Grandma Good's is up for sale) "You can tell them to take that sign down! I'm buying that house and goin' to MN to get packed up!" Mom asks, "oh really, how much are you buying it for?" Taylor answers, "$69!"
I can't find Cinderella! She's very important to me! (about her Polly Pocket doll)

Mom, we want to go to the liquor store! (as I am talking with a friend at the post office; they give away free lollipops at the liquor store)
Ah, MAN!
Nate's got alot of toys! More than God! (after a playdate at a friend's house down the street)
Am I going to get a "rash-hole"? (after I tell him you can get a rash if you don't wipe your butthole properly after pooping)
(I gave them each a quarter after they helped clean out the minivan) Dylan asks, "Mom, do you get a quarter too?" (since I helped)
Dad, if the liberals come to our house, will you karate chop them?
I'm FASTER than a pistol! (he always overhears me say when I am warm, 'I am hotter than a pistol')
(Eating outside at a restaurant which has a fancy stamped patio) Dave asks, "Tina, how do you like that stamping"? Dylan responds, "how do you like MY stamping" (starts stomping around)
Mom, I have ALOT of love in my heart. I even shared it with a friend today at school!
Ella is my girl. I love her!

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