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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rally Week!

Summer is over and school and all the busy activities have officially begun! Our "Rally Week" began with our first day of Sunday School which is something LTD have been looking forward to. We love our church, especially since they do such an exceptional job with the children's ministries.

On Monday, Taylor started speech class 1x weekly and gets to ride the "baby bus" to school and back (see previous post).

On Tuesday, LTD began Pre-K at our church preschool. One word explains how they feel about it: HEAVEN!!! They adore their teachers and it's really nice that they only have 14 students in their class and 3 teachers (lead, assistant and student teacher). Can't beat a 1:5 ratio especially with such wonderful teachers. We will also continue to homeschool one day/week to keep up on our handwriting, letters/numbers, phonics/early reading and math.

On Wednesday, I joined a dear friend and registered for a faith-based program known as BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) which consists of appx 300 women. We will be studying the Gospel of John this year which I am thrilled about! BSF also features an amazing children's program in which they too learn the book of John in a classroom setting along with other children their age during the time the mother's meet. PLUS, Dave registered with BSF except he will be partaking in the men's group (over 350 men) which is held on a different day and at a different location and time. We are both excited about diving into the book of John and sharing our experiences with each other and as a family.

Of course there are the sporting activities too: outdoor soccer for Dylan through October, gymnastics for all 3 (Ms. Ann is their favorite coach), and the girls start dance (tap, ballet, jazz) on Monday for the entire school year with a recital in May.

If we can keep it all together this year, we are well on our way to being able to stay sane when LTD start Kindergarten (sanity comes and goes right now, at least for me)!! I honestly wish we could just shut off the "growing" switch and enjoy these moments in time. Time flies by WAY too fast and I am wholeheartedly grateful that God has given me the opportunity to share all this time with them 24/7/365. What a gift!

Taylor ready for Sunday School (does she really have to wear that scarf?)
The bus is here!
Off she goes while Dylan and Lindsey watch with envy
First Day of Pre-K
They made it through the week...... ......and are still smiling!

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