Continuing on with our video memories, the following video captures LTD performing for us in their playroom earlier this year and for our neighbors, Sandy and Jon, at Easter. They LOVE to shine!!
Continuing on with our video memories, the following video captures LTD performing for us in their playroom earlier this year and for our neighbors, Sandy and Jon, at Easter. They LOVE to shine!!
A "Golden" Couple
Last week Papa and Grandma Clark came through Minneapolis on their way home (to Bismarck) from Texas where they spend the winter. We thoroughly enjoyed our time together and LTD were in high heaven having them stay with us for a few days. We had such a nice time and the kiddos and I even got a head start on our flower and vegetable garden thanks to Grandma Clark. It was Papa's birthday so of course we had to have cake (cheesecake) complete with candles and song; no hair fires this time :)
On Friday, we were blessed with a weekend visit from Uncle Ken and Aunt Heidi and their girls. We had 7 kids and 4 adults in our home for one big SLUMBER PARTY!!! WOO HOO!!! They came to town because we had one very special event to celebrate: Papa & Grandma Clark's 50th wedding anniversary (in May). We all got together with Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jeff in their beautiful home in Edina together with Aunt Kathy and Uncle Dave, and moved on to a local restaurant. We had a GREAT time catching up and hearing all the Clark stories from the past which are always super comical. Here are a few fun photos from Kozy's in Edina:
Aunt Heidi & Uncle Ken (Dave's brother)
Uncle Dave & Aunt Kathy (Dave's sister)
Uncle Jeff & Aunt Lisa (Dave's sister)
Dave being himself (family clown)
Fun times!
One happy family - The Clarks
Sprinkle in a few "outlaws"
Grandma and Papa Clark are in town and Dylan was SO excited to show off his basketball and baseball skills. Basketball season may have just ended but Dylan is itching to start baseball this weekend. In fact, his Uncle Ken is coming to visit and Dylan cannot WAIT to shine for him and Dad this Saturday morning.
BUT, Dylan's favorite fans are still his sisters. Many times when he wants to shoot buckets, he asks, "girls, wanna see me play basketball? (they usually say YAH!!!!) OK, grab your pom poms!" And they do; our little cheerleaders. Here is a video of Dylan in his glory earlier this year in our playroom downstairs AND of his other sport not hunting. He saved up some money and bought a new, bigger nerf gun a few months back. It's a BIG hit with Dylan....and Dad. In fact, I am still not sure who likes the new gun more. The girls don't mind being moving targets and enjoy getting dressed up for the hunt. It's hysterical!
Continuing on with our pact of posting videos from the past.........Christmas 2009 in Bismarck; through the eyes of children :)
Papa & Grandma Good were in town this past weekend and we were sad to see them leave this morning. We had such a nice time, especially LTD who had fun showing off their latest skills: biking and basketball. We have been doing alot of biking the last several weeks since we got their new bikes out (we didn't give the option of training wheels this time around). Below is a video taken on a recent family bike ride. We are thoroughly enjoying biking this year since we can all go together and actually "get around" quite nicely without too much drama (give or take a few bigger hills :).
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." - Thomas Jefferson
"The democaracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." - Thomas Jefferson "The government cannot give anything to anyone that they have not first taken from someone else." (Anonomous)
"Government isn't the solution to the problem, government IS the problem." - Ronald Reagan
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." - Ronald Reagan
After the rally, we took the skyway and checked out the skyscrapers as we headed over to Macy's for the Spring Flower display. LTD were amazed by the tall buildings, especially Dylan. Once we got to the flower show, we enjoyed how incredibly colorful and fragrant it was which made us all eager to plant some flowers and our garden.
It was a really great day filled with new experiences and teachable moments: respect God, life, our Constitution, liberty and freedom and stand up for what you believe in. And don't forget to take time to smell the flowers along the way. God Bless America!!
Dave and I have been very bad about keeping up and posting videos. So over the next few weeks, I have made a pact to post select video clips over the last 4 months that capture moments we thought would be worth sharing on our blog.
This first one is from late December while visiting Bismarck over Christmas. The girls woke up one morning and I happened to capture a typical play session between them and their "PetShop" dolls. Enjoy!