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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

8 Year Celebration at MOA (Looking Back)

We're back!!! After a month of hiatus amd chaos, Mama Bear is finally back in her Director chair at Camp Clark and hunkering in to get caught up on memories from December.

I believe I mentioned that 3 little varmints recently turned 8 years old. NOOOOOOO!!!!! We celebrated with parties and with a certain furball of a gift which we will talk about later (aka Tootsie). I took the kids to the MOA (Mall of America) on their birthday, let them visit Santa, took them out for lunch at RainForest Cafe and let them buy themselves birthday presents with the money they received from their grandparents. It was the girls very first trip into an American Girl store. Holy Cow - so little for so much ($$$)! The girls were in awe; Dylan not so much. However, he was SO patient and his is eyes brightened when he saw the hermit crab kiosk and the games store. Of course, we had to go on a few rides but the favorite was the sky high tightropes and slides (5 stories high!). There was no way Mama was getting up there since I have a fear of heights but LTD had absolutely no fear. The girls had the perfect climbing attire on with their skirts and furry boots :)  Regardless, they had an absolute BLAST! Check it out.



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