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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Memory Lane

Yesterday I was at Target with the munchkins and we decided to stop in the cafeteria for a quick snack. I couldn't help but overhear a conversation between two friends at the table right next to us. They were discussing the first few years they had children and how HARD it was. They each had 1 child and decided NEVER to have another one because it was just TOO much work. Hmmmm? All I could think was, "Oh you POOR things! Take a look around sisters - try 3!" Parenting is hard regardless and I sincerely commend ALL parents, especially fellow mothers of multiples since it truly is a unique challenge which I will spare the details on. Let's just say our first two years are still a blur.

So I went home and looked at old videos which brought back some memories out of the blur zone. I cried and laughed as I reflected on how "hard" those days were yet how incredibly joyful they were. Some things never change: LTD are still loud, full of giggles, play super well together and like to run around with limited clothes on. Lindsey is still the "caretaker" and loves baby dolls and babies; Taylor still loves books (they all do) and climbing like a monkey on furniture; and Dylan is still the loudest in the house, seriously into cars, loves to wrestle his sisters and is extremely ticklish. Our babies in this video are growing up and with each new day, Dave and I are reminded of what a miracle they really are and how grateful we are to have gained God's trust in raising these 3 angels on earth. Enjoy the video!

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