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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

'Tis the Season

With Papa & Grandma Kemmet (earlier this year)
(Forgot to take photos this last visit!!!)
'Tis the season........for so many wonderful things! First off, we were graced by a visit from Papa & Grandma Kemmet this week. We love and have missed them SO much and now that they are both retired, we hope to see alot more of them. LTD were sure to keep them on their toes by playing games, taking them to their school to meet their teachers, playing and working outside in the yard, reading stories and running around the house non-stop making sure to show off their toys, dolls, cars, and colored drawings/newfound artwork plastered all over our stairway and doors. Dave and I truly enoyed the quiet time and great conversations with Papa and Grandma after the munchkins went to bed; lots of laughter, especially at Dave's expense. He had to demonstrate his "spinal" gadgets he has purchased over the last year for self-correction of the spine: Spine Align, blow-up neck support, trigger point cane and the therapeutic "blue balls" - don't ask - they supposedly DO have a purpose other than being thrown around the house by 3 little ones.

November kicks off the Thanksgiving and Christmas season which is always a very joyful and appreciative time of the year at Camp Clark. With that comes preparation for Christmas programs (school and Sunday School) which means LOTS of singing; some Christmas songs, some miscellaneous. Then there is the story of the birth of Baby Jesus, the reason for the season. Taylor has taken a special liking to Mary and her baby and plays the "giving birth" role frequently. Oh but wait, Dave added yet another activity.........duck hunting! No, not the typical duck hunting, but shooting 3 little munchkins dressed in duck outfits running as fast as they can to dodge Nerf bullets. You have to see the video below to appreciate the humor in this "sport" which LTD just can't get enough of. Not sure if Dave has more fun or the kiddos. Comical!!

Songs, babies and duck hunting

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