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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Camp Clark Conversations

This weekend as we got to share some relaxing, quality family time together, we realized that we have really slacked off in keeping our blog updated and keeping up with recent videos and photos. Shame on us!!! So I made a personal pact to snap out of it and MAKE the time. What better way to recharge than to recap some of the sayings around Camp Clark we have heard over the last month or so. We are including a few photos from our lovely fall to help inspire us that warm weather is indeed around the corner. At least it will be when we head to Texas in a few weeks to visit Papa and Grandma Clark!

We love our daddy...
...and our mama too!
Camp Clark posing outdoors

As mom is trying to get them all to try oysters on crackers and Dylan is NOT interested, Lindsey says, "come on Dylan, live on the edge!"
I pointed out where I used to live as we were driving by one day. Lindsey asked "did you know dad yet?" and I said no, that it was before I met him. She candidly replied "oh, so dad was just another guy with curly hair back then."
"When you cut onions, they make my eyes soggy."
"I don't want pancakes anymore. There is too much wheat gluten in them."
"Taylor, you should listen to me because I am bigger and I know better."
At bedtime, Lindsey is stroking Taylor's hair as we pray. She leans over and kisses her on the cheek and says, "ok little girl, let's get you to bed. Say goodnight to your children."
"I can't help it mom, my butt keeps fartin' today."
Dad instructs them to clean their playroom and sets the timer. Lindsey says, "stop doing this to us. Stop the timer now!"

In a public restroom, I asked Taylor if she had gone bathroom yet. She said loudly, "yah, but not a bad poop, mom. It actually looks like a hot dog."
One morning as I give her a kiss good morning, she lights up and says "mom, I am SO full of love today....here feel (as she places my hand on her heart)."
"I don't want pancakes today because they make Lindsey fart."
One morning at breakfast Taylor says "I think I'm allergic to liberals." Lindsey adds, "I don't think Obama knows God." Dylan chimes in "Yah, I don't think Obama will be going to heaven."
Dad asks who Taylor wants to pray for tonight and she says, "I wanna pray that Obama gets outta here."
"Oh, I just LOVE all my children. I am SUCH a good mommy, aren't I."
"Mom, will you sleep with me? Just until my eyes close ever so slightly?"
"Know why all the girls at school like me? They like my face."
"Dad, you look sassy today!" (as dad is dressed in a suit to usher for church)
"I got a bad paper cut at school. It bled really bad, like a red rain storm."
Dad was telling them about the history of Pearl Harbor . Dylan said "I'd like to bomb bad people but I don't fly a plane."
"Dad, I want to shovel a bunch of driveways so I can buy a snowmobile, a car hood to pull the girls and a 4-more wheeler OR a 6-more wheeler!" (meaning a 4-wheeler)
"When you die, dad, I'll take your boat and go fishin' at the cabin up north and then take it to Texas to fish with Grandpa."
As dad gives them their allowance one Sunday morning and helps them count it Dylan says, "money makes me sneeze."
"We need to love one another, Lindsey!" (she didn't want to play with him at that moment)
"Mom, you look really pretty today, like an angel."
Playing in the fall leaves
Trio of Angels

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