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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Perfoming & Powder

Saturday was a full day indeed! Dad is now volunteering to coach Dylan's indoor soccer team so they headed over to the school for his first soccer game of the season. In the meantime, the girls had another dance performance so off the girls and I went to a different school so they could shine. The girls did a great job and had fun with their girlfriends which is all that matters.

After all the action, we headed over to our neighborhood sledding hill to take in the best powder of the season. It was a perfect day for sledding and we were out there for 2 hours. Dylan met some fun new friends (daredevil boys) and mom and the girls perfected our triple belly whopper (me on my belly on the sled, then Lindsey stacked on top, then Taylor on top of her). We only had one major wipeout with a minor head consussion but we're all good. Just kidding! Seriously, Taylor got whipped off a few times but no tears.

We just picked up a new sled and snowboard today and the kiddos are super anxious to try them out on Monday since they don't have school. Stay tuned....hopefully no broken body limbs to report on!

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