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Welcome to our Blog

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Monday, January 31, 2011

Simple Joys

We had a FABULOUS weekend! Lots going on between sledding, soccer, swimming, a dance performance, sunday school/Bible study/church, birthday parties, mom & daughter spa date for a pedicure, birthday party at Lifetime, play date at a Kindergarten friend's home and last but definitely not least..........notes from children.

LTD love to read, write and color. Between activities, you can always find them at our kitchen island or in my office/schoolroom creating "something" which we really need to post more pictures of. Dave and I get such a kick out of the notes we receive and the lovely art masterpieces. They all put so much of their hearts into each creation which have completely taken over our fridge and our walls/doors. Here are just a few:

Lindsey dreaming of another trip to DisneyWorld

Ready for our trip to TX

Taylor's birthday card to Vanilla (her stuffed dog)

Inside the card

Dylan's rules on his bedroom door
#1 - No babes coming in my room with diapers
#2 - I can ???
#3 - No whining in my bedroom

A note on his door after a small quarrel
Taylor, I am mad at you and you too, Lindsey
I don't invite you in my bedroom
No people allowed

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