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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bye Bye Tonsils

Today Dylan joined the ranks of Taylor and mom.......we are all tonsil and adenoid free! Thankfully, the surgery went very well and Dylan was a super trooper. He went in with a smile on his face and left with a smile on his face (so much like his dad). He made sure he had his blanket and his Guardian Angel with him at all times (a gift from Grandma & Papa Good). The Anesthesiologist got a real kick out of the angel which has an inscription that reads, "May an angel always be by your side" which has always been one of my favorite quotes.

Unlike our spitfire Taylor, Dylan actually swalled his medicine right away (vs. holding it in the mouth for over 30 min) and we got out of there earlier than expected. What is so sweet is that the moment he got home, the girls have been right there to help care for him. It's a riot watching them tend to his needs and making sure he feels loved. Lots of cuddling and Taylor even gave up a few of her "children" for Dylan to sleep with tonight. They tucked him into bed, kissed his forehead and tucked the animals in beside him.

We would like to extend a very special thank-you to the Dunavan family for graciously caring for our girls today so Dave and I could both be there for Dylan. They had a blast and it was comforting for us to know they were in such loving hands who just happen to have fun, adorable children to play with.

Dylan is sore and tired but is expected to recover within 7-10 days. His big award for being such a brave patient is a date to the MN State Fair this Friday which he is very excited about (unfortunately, bungee cord jumping is out for D this year). Here are a few photos from my new Droid which I love but am still learning to use - Techno Tina :)

Arrival at 6:30 am - all smiles
"Check out my Guardian Angel"

Post-surgery with his blanket and Angel

Time for his first liquid - a popsicle

So proud of his little man

Mama bear snuggling her drowsy cub

Trying to muster a smile

Wagon ride exit - there's that smile again!

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