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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

More Tonsils Coming Out

About a year and a half ago, Taylor had her tonsils and adenoids removed because they were posing so many problems for her. NOW, Dylan is the next to have the same surgery on Monday, August 23. Like Taylor, he suffers significantly from many of the complications of enlarged tonsils & adenoids. Not only does he snore louder than a freight train, but he doesn't get restful sleep at night and tires out easily. There are other complications as well and it all boils down to cutting out these useless organs so he can flourish once again.

Dave and I are a bit worried about anesthesia as most parents are when it comes to putting our little ones down. But we know God will be watching over our little man and so will his Guardian Angel. On the bright side, Taylor is offering LOTS of support and feedback: "you get to play with lots of toys and ride a wagon and watch movies at the hospital and they even give you popsicles!" and "It's no big deal, Dylan. It don't hurt and you can be just like me". Dylan is actually excited to get all the attention and special care. Both Lindsey and Taylor are already planning on being his nurses when he gets home.

We are so thankful that they are able to squeeze it in before school starts since we want him to be completely healed and ready to thrive on their big first day of Kindergarten. Did I just say the "K" word? Sob, sob, sob!!!

PS - We have one proud little man. He just lost his second tooth and is anxiously waiting for the Tooth Fairy visit tonight.

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