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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Abba Fans in the Making

Since the last post, my Abba Greatest Hits CD has been resurrected from the archives and played in our mini van wherever we go. LTD have taken a special liking to the music: Lindsey loves "SOS", Taylor's favorite is "Mama Mia" and Dylan's first choice is "Dancing Queen" (go figure). They even know the words to the chorus for each song!!! Last night we were on our way home from dinner with the Erickson's and Abba was playing on the CD player and the kiddos kept shouting, "play it louder!". What kind of a mother am I anyway?

And yet another episode of "Camp Clark Conversations":

Lindsey: (as mom is handing out the daily vitamin after mealtime) "I don't want to be that healthy!"
"Dylan, you're acting like you don't love me." (as he raised his voice at her over sharing a toy)

Taylor: "Please don't wake my children!" (as I walk in their bedroom one morning to cuddle up & give hugs and they have ALL their baby dolls lined up on their rug & covered up with towels)
"Mom, God wants you to lift me up right now" (as I'm busy TRYING to prepare dinner)

Dylan: "Lindsey & Taylor, can you say 'I love pie' (they repeat, "I love pie!") 'very good!'
"I've got the joy of the Lord on my heart this morning, mom!" (I guess he woke up on the right side of the bed this particular day)

LTD favorite one-liners recently: "No Way, Jose!" or "Super Duper!"

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