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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Camp Clark Massacre

Yesterday was a depressing day at Camp Clark. It all started when LTD decided to have a tea party/picnic in their playroom. I was upstairs doing laundry and heard them giggling together which is typically a good sign that all is well. Not this time!

I heard Lindsey say, "Dylan is making my hair SO pretty for our tea party" (giggle, giggle) and then I heard the word "scissors". Yikes! I ran downstairs at the speed of light only to discover Dylan standing there with the kitchen scissors in hand and a big smile on his face. I was absolutely horrified to see all the blonde curls scattered ALL over the playroom. Not only did he go after Lindsey, but he had already "styled" Taylor's hair. The girls were both sitting their so prim and proper at their tea table with their princess dresses and jewels on, hair EVERYWHERE, and scarves around their necks and head to make them "pretty". Camp Clark was now officially "Camp Mullet". Their hair was cut down to the nubs on the back of the head and on the right side (surprisingly, he did almost the same "style" on each of them). It almost looked like he tried to scalp them, leaving the length to resemble full-blown mullets. Emotions were very high and I can just about guarantee those kids won't be touching scissors again unless it involves paper and mom's supervision. We'll leave it at that.

As Dave says, "thankfully it happened on your watch and not mine". I have to admit, he is right. I feel bad enough, downright guilty, that this happened in the first place but had it happened on his watch, I think it could have been a little ugly since "mom" typically pays lots more attention to what's going on. Not this time.

Today we went to Kids Hair and had the damage "repaired". The salon was full of spectators laughing and feeling a little bad at the same time. Thankfully, we are laughing about it now. After all, it's only hair and it will grow back. Things could always be alot worse. Check out our brief slideshow below for the story of "Camp Clark Massacre", January 2009.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Sorry--had to laugh! Amazingly the twins never cut their hair (or each other's) but JC took the scissors to her own hair last year, 4 days before Christmas. Kids Hair saved us too!