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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Monday, January 26, 2009

Bye Bye Tonsils

It has been confirmed - Taylor's tonsils and adenoids need to come out. It's something we have suspected for the last several years due to freight train decibal snoring, restless sleep, ear infections, swollen glands due to enlarged tonsils/adenoids and speech challenges. As our pediatrician once said, it's not a matter of "if" but "when" they come out. Well they are officially coming out on Friday, Feb. 6th at 7am. I am full of fear since she will be "put under" which is never to be taken lightly. I pray God and his angels are in the operating room with us that morning, smiling upon her, hugging her tightly. Let's hope she is a trooper and looks forward to LOTS of popsicles afterwards - something she really enjoys. I know she won't like being down and out for about one week, especially when she sees Lindsey & Dylan having fun. She is such a little spitfire and doesn't like to miss out on any action!

And now for the latest episode of "Camp Clark Conversations":

Lindsey: (in the car on the way home from KPT) "I missed you today, mom! You were in my heart."
Dylan: "You and Daddy were in MY heart today, mom!"
Taylor: "You, Daddy, Lindsey, Dylan and Papas & Grandmas were in MY heart today, mom!"

Lindsey: (teaching Dylan and Taylor the order to introduce themselves) "It's Lindsey, Taylor & Dylan."
Dylan: "Ha, uh. It's Dylan, Lindsey & Taylor!"
Lindsey: "No, that is NOT correct. It's Lindsey, Taylor & Dylan just like how we were born!"

Lindsey: "Taylor, get up here now & make your bed (pause.....) I'm going to count to 3...one, two, three."

LTD: (singing all together) "In heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here! And when we gone from here, our friends will be drinking all our beer!"
(mama has a coaster with this quote on her desk. I sang it to them ONCE when they asked what the words on the coaster said - I guess it stuck!!) We will have to capture that on video and hope the Child Protection Agency has a sense of humor.

Taylor: "Mom, why do people poop on the potty and animals poop outside?" (answer: That's how God created us.) "Why?" (yet another answer). "Why?" (and another) "Why?" (this continued on 8 or 9 times!! - what is about "WHY?" at this age - it wears me out!!)

"Look mommy, I ate all my food! There's starving children in Africa, you know."

Dylan: "Why come?" (versus why not or how come?)

(I told him how proud I was that he slept all night long without waking me up) "I woke up once but I asked God to come lay with me and he did".

"Will you lay with me for 2 minutes?" (his nightly question at bedtime to dad and mom)

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