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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Friday, January 16, 2009

Preschool Prep

Quick question: when did preschool ever begin to be "ultra critical" and the ridiculous and overwhelming process that we have now made it to be in today's society? Guess what? I never attended preschool NOR kindergarten but I think I turned out "ok". Maybe some minor issues, but hey, that's life. I think I will survive thanks to love of my family, great friends, the opportunity to live life and learn from it, belief in God & our Savior, and some basic common sense.

Seriously, I started homeschooling LTD this year because the cost of preschool was absolutely absurd considering the overall benefits children supposedly receive at THREE years old. Let me say that again: THREE (when most children start preschool)!!! What ever happened to free play and imagination? Has our society gone mad with overwhelming our children with overactive scheduling including: school, sports, arts, etc. I just wish we could slow down time for our children's sake and instead take time to TRULY enjoy the journey, PLAY with them, live in the present & savor our time with them, and praise God for the amazing gifts we have been blessed with.

Just some basic thoughts as we go through preschool prep. So much process, drama and costs involved and I just have to ask myself, "why?". Is this truly for their overall benefit? OR, is it society's way of creating guilt within us, causing us to push our young away much too soon when it's really up to us parents to instill the values and lessons that matter most in life? Hmmm? Anybody feel the same way I do or am I simply lost in time and need to get a firm grip on today's reality?

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