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Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. THREE are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Very Healthy Mouths!

Today was our very first visit to the dentist and LTD really enjoyed it. I had a hard time peeling them away from the waiting room since it was extremely child-friendly with lots of interactive games, books, and murals of the jungle with all kinds of animals they love. After peeling them away from naming all the animals, we finally advanced to the exam room which they had reserved just for us; 3 chairs in a row, each with their own personal hygenist!! I wish I had a camera with me to capture this adorable moment but I dropped the ball big time. The staff gave them each a pair of shades to wear (to block out the bright exam lights) during the entire process. So there they are, laying in their chairs, shades on, listening so nicely to the hygenists requests. They told me they were the "perfect patients and so well behaved". It was priceless. The dentist told me "they have VERY healthy,clean mouths" and asked me what our ritual is; I guess he was impressed. I wish I could say we brush 2x daily, floss every day, and NEVER eat sugar, but that would be LA-LA land. Instead I told him the truth: Melaleuca toothpaste and brushing every night before bed. Now I have new instructions: brush after breakfast as well (one more thing to do in the mad rush of the morning) and make sure we get in every 6 months for check-up exams, cleanings and fluoride treatments. Wait a minute; didn't we just get an excellent clean bill of dental health and isn't fluoride extremely toxic?? I guess they want that $377 every 6 months vs. annually even though the munchkins still have "baby teeth" that will eventually fall out. Hmmm? What's wrong with this picture??

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